An Introduction to Pelican with Notes

Sun 13 November 2022

An Introduction to Pelican with Notes

About a year ago, I made a personal notes static site to be hosted using GitHub Pages --- but I never got around to writing much on it because I got to about 80% percent of the way there before giving up on the remaining things at hand.

Now, a year later, and another year around the horizon, I decided to try out a little something familiar, but new at the same time.

My goals were clear, I wanted:

  • To replace Hugo (despite how fantastic it is)
  • To try out Pelican and it's offerings
  • Rebuild my static site with a little more control over the layouts, designs and overall structure (albeit with a bit of "inspiration" from other sources).
  • A public notebook for random tech-or-non-tech musings.

Building on Pelican

Pelican is great and uses a lot of familiar technology to get things done, such as the popular Jinja2 and Markdown packages - for everything I need. Further, it has some nice tooling as well which makes building, testing and even publishing a breeze.
